Saturday, December 15, 2012

Decision Time

If you plan on making a pledge, don't wait! I seem to be going through the "empty restaurant" syndrome. "Might be good, but not very popular. I'll pass." Keep in mind, you don't pay now. You only pay when the project meets the goal, in Jan.

In fact, here's a challenge for anyone reading this blog: I ask that you each contribute $5. That's a beer for your buddy or a tip for a video well done. It's not much on it's own but it'll add up.

To be frank, I absolutely HATE this entire Kickstarter process and if we don't even get at least 30% (3,000) by next week, I'm likely to abort the mission. Begging & spamming my friends is not something I enjoy and goes against everything I've ever done. Should the campaign fail, I may start an Indie Go-Go campaign where at least I'll get whatever money is donated. Perhaps should have done that in the first place. It's all a learning experience. Thanks to everyone's support.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's awesome your coming to Duluth! In fact I would be please to be featured. I have donated and posted this silliness on my Facebook page for others to donate. I love to support the Arts!!
