Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Few Unthrilled

Perfect Duluth Day decided to run my Kickstarter campaign on their site which I very much appreciate. According to the comments, some of the locals are not very receptive:

I seem to have ahem, struck a nerve. It's all completely true that I've not been to Duluth, nor know all that much about it. But that's why I want to go. I honestly didn't expect Duluthians to be that willing to help and I'm sorry to upset anyone. It's just a comedy.

I'm just a small independent filmmaker doing his thing. I might not make my Kickstarter goal but I'm gonna try. And if I fail, I'll make the film anyway. And the reason Duluth is horrible in the film, is because the lead character's girlfriend dumps him there. Anywhere is horrible if you have a broken heart.

So Duluth I'm sorry and I hope you'll forgive me in time. I leave you with a comment left on the Kickstarter page:

UPDATE: A few other locals have reached out to me and have been very nice, offering to be actors, show me around, and (my favorite) buy me beer!


  1. I'll repeat part of my PDD comment. You've got 5 people saying they aren't into your idea. The city has 86,000 people in it. Thats .000058% of the population. Don't jump to conclusions saying we hate you just yet.

  2. I've updated it to saying only a few hate me. Thank you for your support.

  3. The article I read didn't explain at all why you thought Duluth was horrible in the movie. I'm glad I investigated it further! Hope your kickstarter goes well, and I'll be sure to buy you a beer at the Brewhouse if you make it up here!
